Use "deafen|deafened|deafening|deafens" in a sentence

1. Did he deafen you?

2. This noise will deafen us all!

3. These inputs deafen and blind us to reality.

4. The silence is deafening.

5. The music was deafening.

6. Deafening applause greets the victors!

7. There was a deafening silence .

8. The music is deafening us!

9. He sat down amid deafening applause.

10. But the countryside! Absolute deafening silence.

11. The music reached a deafening crescendo.

12. The Banging of the drums was deafening

13. The whole theatre rocked with deafening cheers.

14. The noise of the machine was deafening.

15. 5 A deafening purr, quite ear-splitting!

16. The noise out in the street was deafening.

17. A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.

18. Soon it is loud enough to deafen those in the towers, who cover their ears.

19. The noise of the siren was deafening her.

20. Once again the answer was a deafening silence .

21. Outside there was a deafening crash of thunder.

22. The hubbub was even more deafening than usual.

23. 24 I was almost deafened by the high-pitched scream of the fire alarm.

24. Please turn the radio down the noise is deafening.

25. “A deafening explosion nearly threw me to the floor.

26. 1 A deafening cheer went up from the crowd.

27. The government's only response has been a deafening silence.

28. Toe-to-toe they stand, trading deafening blows!

29. When she finished speaking, the applause was deafening.

30. Deafening attacks thwart Blindsight if it relies on hearing.

31. The noise and excitement in the room was deafening.

32. He pulled the trigger and the report was deafening.

33. 8 The hubbub was even more deafening than usual.

34. Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.

35. The Babel of voices in the train station was deafening

36. A preconceived viewpoint, dogmatically held, blinds your eyes, deafens your ears, and hardens your heart. —Matthew 13:15.

37. I was nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers.

38. At that same instant, a deafening explosion set the windows rattling.

39. I am nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers.

40. The government's response to the report has been a deafening silence .

41. When we ask people for suggestions we get a deafening silence.

42. All that remained on the barren expanse was a deafening silence.

43. 9 Four deafening explosions shattered the stillness of the night air.

44. Tom had his radio on at full blast—it was deafening.

45. The sound of the rain lashing against the windows was deafening.

46. In a station they are silent: there is no steam to produce noise to deafen the passengers.

47. The deafening noise of the machine dropped to a rumble, then stopped.

48. On June 26 we were awakened by a deafening volley of cannon fire.

49. Home Breaking News A deafening shot published by a Finnish astrographer Amazes the world -

50. The hustle and bustle and noise of the thousands of people outside was deafening.

51. 1 The sky darkens, and an eerie sound increases in volume to a deafening roar.

52. With it, the elephant can breathe, smell, drink, grab, or even trumpet a deafening blast!

53. As deafening pandemonium broke out, a record 8000 deals were struck involving securities worth £243BILLION.

54. New York Times Dec 28, 2017 As the reviews glow and the Oscar buzz deafens, the ordinary moviegoer is left to look on Covetously. …

55. The deafening Clangor soon dominated and completely drowned the isolated tinkling of the communal bell

56. In that same instant, the deafening crash of gunfire filled the narrow confines of the alley.

57. The Clap followed instantly, and, by its deafening knell, drove me head foremost into the heathy moss

58. Despite being pressured by her over a period of time, Joseph did not allow her voice to deafen him to the voice of God.

59. Starting from Zhongshan Road, drink a cup of hot thick tea, bounded by bristly shop open deafen the ear with its roar sound.

60. Suddenly it bursts into the station, swirling the air all around and filling the station with a deafening din.

61. Loud, echoing, thundering, bellowing, resounding, deafening, strident, resonant, sonorous, stentorian The ginger man had a large Booming voice

62. It must have emitted a deafening roar, for it was so powerful that it tore mountains and crags apart.

63. The Cacophony The Cacophony 8 3x Deafening Essence Nothing can be heard above the din or seen amongst the turmoil

64. But while those hotspots are continuously monitored by diplomats and the media, the Chechen misery prompts nothing but a deafening silence.

65. The Cicada's deafening shriek is the sound of summer, and humans have been drawn to it for thousands of years

66. And some have the long-range acoustic device, a sound cannon that can be used to issue verbal warnings, or deafen anyone who stands in its path.

67. Clamorous adjective noisy, loud, insistent, deafening, blaring, strident, tumultuous, vociferous, vehement, riotous, uproarious The Clamorous din of voices filled the air

68. I was awakened by the deafening sound of waves lapping against the ship, blinded by the faint glow of the northern lights.

69. It will be particularly useful for early risers who once had to endure deafening music from Benidorm bars until the small hours.

70. 17 Both were dressed in T-shirts emblazoned with a large golden bird; the emblem, no doubt, of some deafening, tuneless rock band.

71. In the week since BajillionHits.Biz first launched, we've driven deafening buzz, engaged hits from countless users across The Stratosphere, and emerged as th

72. She was somewhat aroused by it, knotted her hair upon her ears in order to deafen herself, and resumed her contemplation, on her knees, of the inanimate object which she had adored for fifteen years.

73. For in fact and in reality, said Blarings have been (and still are) so deafening that only the hearing impaired can fail to hear them

74. Inside, where Clubbers let loose on the dancefloor amid the deafening sound of techno and a blinding laser show, the rules are not always so strictly followed.

75. Astronomical Lyrics: The endless of darkness is hovering / The sound of the silence is deafening / Ten billion decibels shattering / Forces of gravity taking me, taking me / Weightlessness

76. As an island archipelago New Zealand accumulated bird diversity and when Captain James Cook arrived in the 1770s he noted that the bird song was deafening.

77. When we lay down “the weapons of [our] rebellion” (Alma 23:7), we become “agents unto [ourselves]” (D&C 58:28), no longer blinded by the sophistry of Satan or deafened by the discordant noise of the secular world.

78. Conocephalus is a green , long and slender insect , found commonly among grass ; the male of this produces a sustained shrill noise , rising in deafening volume and then ceasing abruptly .

79. Just then his thoughts were interrupted, or momentarily paralyzed, by a deafening chop-chop sound as a military helicopter passed very low overhead doing routine surveillance of the guerrillas operating in the nearby hills.

80. Atmospheric Anatomisers are used for harvesting and assessing airborne resources but can also vacuum away a foe’s breathable air or spray pressurised gouts of lethal chemical gases in a deafening blast known as the ‘Roar of Grungni’.